1·This is a difficult-to-operate machine.
2·Operate machine to drill holes in blocks or slabs of stone according to specifications.
3·Technicians in this field set up and operate machine tools in factories and small machine shops.
4·Set up and operate machine tools to perform repetitive machining operations, such as turning, milling, drilling, boring, planing, honing, broaching, grinding or other machining operations.
5·I have no idea how to operate the new washing machine.
6·We must run a test before beginning to operate a new machine.
7·Magenn CFO Barry Monette said he expects “first revenue” next year when they sell “two to four” working prototypes of their blimpy machine, which will operate at much lower altitudes.
Magenn首席财务官Barry Monette说,他期望在明年收到“第一笔收入”,那时他们将卖出“2 到 4 个”他们的大块头机器的可工作原型,它们将在低得多的高度运行。
8·If a machine is central to your organization or if you simply operate a sole server, the system may run 5, 10, or even more daemons.
9·Qi and her colleagues, who majored in a wide range of subjects including Chinese literature and civil engineering, were able to operate the machine after only one month's training.
10·Before the search can begin in earnest, though, the world's most complicated machine has to be calibrated and fathomed by the legions of researchers who will operate it.